Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Tsamere

Arnaud Tsamere

Arnaud Tsédri
Nombre Arnaud
Apellido Tsamere
Nacidas el March 11, 1975 (age 49)

Arnaud Tsedri, better known by the stage name Arnaud Tsamere, is a French comedian, actor, television presenter and sports journalist. Born in Bordeaux and raised in the Yvelines, he joined the Déclic Théâtre group after quitting his sales job. There, he acted in plays and participated in improvisation events. He wrote his first one-man show, Réflexions profondes sur pas mal de trucs, in 2002 with Arnaud Joyet, and his second, Chose Promise, in 2007 with Joyet and François Rollin. His third, Confidences sur pas mal de trucs plus ou moins confidentiels, has been performed since 2014. He has attended numerous comedy festivals and is currently a member of the Ligue Majeure d'Improvisation.

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