Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Trumbull

John Trumbull

Nombre John
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el June 6, 1756
Murió el November 10, 1843 (aged 87)

John Trumbull fue un pintor, arquitecto y escritor estadounidense.

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William Trumbull

Nombre William
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el September 8, 1639
Murió el December 14, 1716 (aged 77)

Sir William Trumbull was an English statesman who held high office as a member of the First Whig Junto.

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Jonathan Trumbull

Nombre Jonathan
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el October 12, 1710
Murió el August 17, 1785 (aged 74)

Jonathan Trumbull Sr. was an American politician and statesman who served as Governor of Connecticut during the American Revolution. Trumbull and Nicholas Cooke of Rhode Island were the only men to serve as governor of both a British colony and an American state, and he was the only governor to take up the Patriot cause at the start of the Revolutionary War. Trumbull College at Yale University, the town of Trumbull, Connecticut, Trumbull County, Ohio, and Jonathan the Husky are all named for him.

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Jonathan Trumbull, Jr.

Nombre Jonathan
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el March 26, 1740
Murió el August 7, 1809 (aged 69)

Jonathan Trumbull Jr. was an American politician who served as the 20th governor of Connecticut and the second Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

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Douglas Trumbull

Nombre Douglas
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el April 8, 1942
Murió el February 7, 2022 (aged 79)

Douglas Hunt Trumbull fue un supervisor de efectos especiales, director de cine e inventor estadounidense. Fue pionero y responsable de los efectos especiales de las películas 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), Blade Runner (1982) y The Tree of Life (2011) y dirigió Silent Running (1972) y Brainstorm (1983).

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John Trumbull

Nombre John
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el April 24, 1750
Murió el May 11, 1831 (aged 81)

John Trumbull was an American poet.

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Mary Trumbull

Nombre Mary
Apellido Trumbull
Murió el January 1, 1769
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John H. Trumbull

Nombre John
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el March 4, 1873
Murió el May 21, 1961 (aged 88)

John Harper Trumbull was an American politician who served as the 70th Governor of Connecticut.

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Joseph Trumbull

Nombre Joseph
Apellido Trumbull
Nacidas el December 7, 1782
Murió el August 4, 1861 (aged 78)

Joseph Trumbull was a U.S. lawyer, banker, and politician from Connecticut. He represented Connecticut in the U.S. Congress and served as the 35th Governor of Connecticut from 1849 to 1850.

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