Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Toshihito-shinno

Hachijō Toshihito

Nacidas el February 3, 1579
Murió el May 29, 1629 (aged 50)

Prince Hachijō Toshihito was a court noble of Japan during the Sengoku period. Toshihito was the younger brother of Emperor Go-Yōzei. After 1588 Toyotomi Hideyoshi adopted Toshihito in an effort to greatly strengthen the Toyotomi and the Imperial ties. In 1590, Hideyoshi gave Toshihito 3,000 koku worth of land and was slated to act as Hideyoshi's governor of Japan during China's anticipated cession of influence in Korea during the invasions of 1592–1593.

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