Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Thomond

Murrough O'Brien, I conde de Thomond

Nombre Murrough
Nacidas el November 30, 1449
Murió el November 7, 1551 (aged 101)

Murrough O'Brien, I conde de Thomond fue el último Rey de Thomond, y descendiente del Rey Supremo de Irlanda, Brian Boru.

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Thomas de Clare, señor de Thomond

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el January 1, 1300
Murió el August 29, 1287
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Thomas de Clare, I señor de Thomond y I señor de Inchiquin y Youghal fue un noble y militar normando. Fue el segundo hijo de Richard de Clare, VI conde de Gloucester y su esposa Maud de Lacy. El 26 de enero de 1276 fue nombrado señor de Thomond por Eduardo I de Inglaterra; tardó ocho años en conquistar este territorio a los O'Brien, antiguos reyes de Thomond.

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Connor O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Thomond

Nombre Connor
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el November 30, 1534
Murió el November 30, 1580 (aged 46)

Connor O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Thomond, called Groibleach, grandson of Conor O'Brien ; succeeded to the earldom, 1553; his right to the lordship of Thomond was disputed by his uncle, Donnell; confirmed in his possessions by Thomas Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex in 1558, who proclaimed his uncles traitors, though peace was not established until 1565. He intrigued with Fitzgerald in 1569, and fled to France; returned to Ireland and received pardon, 1571, with the restoration of his lands, 1573.

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Donough O'Brien, II conde de Thomond

Nombre Donough
Murió el April 1, 1553

Donough O'Brien, II conde de Thomond, también conocido como "el gordo", era hijo de Connor O'Brien, Rey de Thomond y Annabell Burke. Heredó el condado de su tío, Murrough O'Brien.

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Juliana FitzGerald

Nombre Juliana
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el November 30, 1262
Murió el September 24, 1300 (aged 37)
Nacidas en Ireland

Juliana FitzGerald, señora de Thomond fue una noble normando-irlandesa, fue hija de Maurice FitzGerald, II señor de Offaly, y esposa de Thomas de Clare, señor de Thomond, un poderoso barón anglonormando en Irlanda, hermano menor de Gilbert de Clare, VI conde de Hertford. Después de enviudar contrajo otros dos matrimonios. A veces se la menciona como Juliane FitzMaurice.

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Henry O'Brien, 5th Earl of Thomond

Nombre Henry
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el January 1, 1588
Murió el July 26, 1639 (aged 51)

Henry O'Brien, 5th Earl of Thomond was an Irish peer, styled Lord Ibrickane until 1624.

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Donogh O'Brien, 4th Earl of Thomond

Nombre Donogh
Nacidas el November 30, 1500
Murió el January 1, 1624 (aged 123)

Donogh O'Brien, 4th Earl of Thomond and Baron of Ibrickan was an Irish nobleman and soldier noted for his loyalty to the Kingdom of Ireland. He fought for the Queen in Tyrone's Rebellion and notably at the Siege of Kinsale. His long-term objective, achieved after decades, was to obtain an official acknowledgment that County Clare, where his possessions were situated, was part of the province of Munster, to free it from the jurisdiction of the Connaught government under which it had been placed.

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Henry O'Brien, 7th Earl of Thomond

Nombre Henry
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el November 30, 1619
Murió el January 1, 1691 (aged 71)

Henry O'Brien, 7th Earl of Thomond PC (Ire) was an Irish peer, styled Lord Ibrackan from 1639 to 1657.

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William O'Brien, 2nd Marquess of Thomond

Nombre William
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el January 1, 1765
Murió el August 21, 1846 (aged 81)

William O'Brien, 2nd Marquess of Thomond, 6th Earl of Inchiquin KP PC (I) was an Irish peer. He was born in Ennistymon, County Clare, to Capt. Edward Dominic O'Brien and Mary Carrick. He succeeded by special remainder as Marquess of Thomond in 1808 on the death of his uncle Murrough O'Brien, 1st Marquess of Thomond and was appointed a Privy Councillor and Knight of the Order of St Patrick on 11 November 1809. He was created Baron Tadcaster in the British Peerage in 1826.

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Henry Albert de Vreque O'Brien-ffrench, 1st Marquess of Castel Thomond

Nombre Henry
Apellido Thomond
Nacidas el March 7, 1862
Murió el November 10, 1933 (aged 71)
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