Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Thiruvothu

Parvathi Menon

Nombre Parvathy
Nacidas el April 7, 1988 (age 36)
Nacidas en India

Parvathy is an Indian film actress who predominantly appears in Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada-language films. Hailing from Kozhikode, Kerala, she made her debut in the 2006 Malayalam film Out of Syllabus. She's well known for her performances in films such as Notebook (2006), Milana (2007), Poo (2008), City of God (2011), Maryan (2013), Bangalore Days (2014), Uttama Villain (2015), Ennu Ninte Moideen (2015), Charlie (2015), Take Off (2017), Koode (2018), Uyare (2019) and Virus (2019). Parvathy made her Bollywood debut with Qarib Qarib Singlle in 2017.

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