Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Thanet

John Tufton, 2nd Earl of Thanet

Nombre John
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el December 15, 1608
Murió el May 7, 1664 (aged 55)
Nacidas en United Kingdom

John Tufton, 2nd Earl of Thanet was an English nobleman and supporter of Charles I of England. He was the eldest son of Nicholas Tufton, 1st Earl of Thanet, and Lady Frances Cecil, granddaughter of William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley.

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Sackville Tufton, 8th Earl of Thanet

Nombre Sackville
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el November 30, 1732
Murió el November 30, 1785 (aged 53)

Sackville Tufton, 8th Earl of Thanet (1733–1786) was an English nobleman.

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Henry Tufton, 11th Earl of Thanet

Nombre Henry
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el January 2, 1775
Murió el June 12, 1849 (aged 74)

Henry James Tufton, 11th Earl of Thanet was a peer in the peerage of England and a noted English cricketer of the 1790s.

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John Tufton, 4th Earl of Thanet

Nombre John
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el August 7, 1638
Murió el April 27, 1680 (aged 41)

John Tufton, 4th Earl of Thanet, styled The Honourable John Tufton until 1679, was an English politician and nobleman.

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Nicholas Tufton, 1st Earl of Thanet

Nombre Nicholas
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el November 30, 1577
Murió el January 1, 1631 (aged 53)

Nicholas Tufton, 1st Earl of Thanet (1578–1631) was an English peer.

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Nicholas Tufton, 3rd Earl of Thanet

Nombre Nicholas
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el August 7, 1631
Murió el November 24, 1679 (aged 48)

Nicholas Tufton, 3rd Earl of Thanet, styled Lord Tufton until 1664, was an English nobleman.

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Sackville Tufton, 7th Earl of Thanet

Nombre Sackville
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el May 11, 1688
Murió el December 4, 1753 (aged 65)

Sackville Tufton, 7th Earl of Thanet of Newbottle, Northamptonshire, known as Sackville Tufton until 1729, was a British Tory politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1722 until 1729 when he succeeded to the peerage as Earl of Thanet.

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Sackville Tufton

Nombre Sackville
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el June 30, 1769
Murió el January 1, 1825 (aged 55)

Sackville Tufton, 9th Earl of Thanet succeeded to his title in April 1786, following the death of his father Sackville Tufton, 8th Earl of Thanet. Two of his younger brothers were John Tufton and Henry Tufton, 11th Earl of Thanet, both well-known amateur cricketers.

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Charles Tufton, 10th Earl of Thanet

Nombre Charles
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el September 10, 1770
Murió el April 20, 1832 (aged 61)

Charles Tufton, 10th Earl of Thanet was an English nobleman. He became Earl of Thanet on 24 January 1825, on the death of his elder brother Sackville Tufton, 9th Earl of Thanet. He was hereditary High Sheriff of Westmorland from 1825 to 1832.

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Richard Tufton

Nombre Richard
Apellido Thanet
Nacidas el May 30, 1640
Murió el January 1, 1684 (aged 43)

Richard Tufton, 5th Earl of Thanet, styled The Honourable Richard Tufton until 1680, was an English nobleman.

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