Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Strangler

Boston Strangler

Nombre Boston
Apellido Strangler
Nacidas el September 3, 1931
Murió el November 26, 1973 (aged 42)

The Boston Strangler is the name given to the murderer of 13 women in the Boston, Massachusetts, area during the early 1960s. The crimes were attributed to Albert DeSalvo based on his confession, details revealed in court during a separate case, and DNA evidence linking him to the final victim.

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Wednesday Strangler

The Wednesday Strangler is an unidentified Japanese serial killer, responsible for the murders of seven women in Saga Prefecture from 1975 and 1989. The nickname comes from the fact that six of the victims disappeared on a Wednesday. The killings are also referred to as the Saga Women Murders.

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