Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Steinway

Heinrich Steinweg

Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg
Nombre Henry
Apellido Steinway
Nacidas el February 15, 1797
Murió el February 7, 1871 (aged 73)

Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg, conocido como Heinrich Steinweg, Henry E. Steinway o Henry Steinway, fue un fabricante de pianos alemán y fundador de la compañía Grotrian-Steinweg en 1835.

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C.F. Theodore Steinway

Christian Friedrich Theodor Steinweg
Nombre C.F.
Nacidas el November 6, 1825
Murió el March 26, 1889 (aged 63)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Christian Friedrich Theodor Steinweg, anglicized name C.F. Theodore Steinway, was a piano maker. He was the eldest son of the famous piano maker and piano company founder, Henry E. Steinway.

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William Steinway

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Steinweg
Nombre William
Apellido Steinway
Murió el November 30, 1896
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

William Steinway, also known as Wilhelm Steinway, son of Steinway & Sons founder Henry E. Steinway, was a businessman and civic leader who was influential in the development of Astoria, New York City.

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