Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Shigetane

Takahashi Shigetane

Nombre Takahashi
Apellido Shigetane
Nacidas el January 1, 1548
Murió el September 10, 1586 (aged 38)

Takahashi Shigetane also known as Takahashi Shōun (Jōun) was a senior retainer of the clan of Ōtomo throughout the latter Sengoku period of Feudal Japan. As Shigetane was additionally known by the name of Takahashi Shoun during the earlier years of his life, he began his service beneath the Ōtomo of Bungo Province around this same initial time, with Sōrin as their leader and head. Eventually, Shigetane became the respective controller of the Takahashi clan, in which he was additionally regarded as a great pillar of power to the Otomo name, being granted a castle by the name of Iwaya that bordered Chikuzen Province in contribution to his authority and prestige.

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