Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Sedin

Henrik Sedin

Henrik Lars Sedin is a Swedish former professional ice hockey centre who played 18 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Vancouver Canucks, from 2000–2018. He additionally served as the Canucks' captain from 2010 until his retirement. Born and raised in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, Henrik and his identical twin brother Daniel played together throughout their careers; the pair were renowned for their effectiveness as a tandem. Henrik, a skilled passer, was known as a playmaker while Daniel was known as a goal-scorer. Henrik tallied 240 goals and 830 assists in 1,330 NHL games, ranking him as the Canucks' all-time leading points scorer.

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Daniel Sedin

Nombre Daniel
Apellido Sedin
Nacidas el September 26, 1980 (age 44)
Altura 185 cm | 6'1

Daniel Hans Sedin is a Swedish former professional ice hockey winger who played 18 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Vancouver Canucks, from 2000–2018. Born and raised in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, Daniel and his identical twin brother Henrik played together throughout their careers; the pair were renowned for their effectiveness as a tandem. During his career, Daniel was known as a goal-scorer, while Henrik was known as a playmaker. Daniel tallied 393 goals and 648 assists in 1,306 games played in the NHL, ranking him as the Canucks' second-highest points scorer all time.

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