Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Schon

Nadine Schön

Nombre Nadine
Nacidas el June 5, 1983 (age 41)
Nacidas en Germany, Saarland

Nadine Schön is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) who has been serving as a member of the German Parliament since 2009. She represents the constituency of St. Wendel.

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Helmut Schön

Nombre Helmut
Nacidas el September 15, 1915
Murió el February 23, 1996 (aged 80)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony
Altura 197 cm | 6'6

Helmut Schön fue un futbolista y entrenador alemán.

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Neal Schon

Neal Joseph Schon
Nombre Neal
Apellido Schon
Nacidas el February 27, 1954 (age 70)

Neal Joseph Schon es un guitarrista estadounidense, conocido por pertenecer a la banda de AOR Journey.

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Schön scandal

Nombre Jan
Apellido Schön
Nacidas el July 31, 1970 (age 54)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

The Schön scandal concerns German physicist Jan Hendrik Schön who briefly rose to prominence after a series of apparent breakthroughs with semiconductors that were later discovered to be fraudulent. Before he was exposed, Schön had received the Otto-Klung-Weberbank Prize for Physics and the Braunschweig Prize in 2001, as well as the Outstanding Young Investigator Award of the Materials Research Society in 2002, all of which were later rescinded.

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Margarete Schön

Nombre Margarete
Nacidas el April 7, 1895
Murió el December 26, 1985 (aged 90)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony-Anhalt

Margarete Schön fue una actriz teatral y cinematográfica alemana, con una carrera que transcurrió a lo largo de casi cincuenta años. Es posiblemente más recordada a nivel internacional por su papel de Krimilda en los filmes de la serie Los nibelungos dirigidos por Fritz Lang en 1924 Die Nibelungen: Siegfried y Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache.

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Dorothee Schön

Nombre Dorothee
Nacidas el November 24, 1961 (age 63)
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Kevin Schon

Kevin Dodd Schon
Nombre Kevin
Apellido Schon
Nacidas el February 7, 1958 (age 67)

Kevin Schon is an American actor, voice actor, producer and energy entrepreneur, who is known for his voice-over work in video games, movies and TV shows. He is best known as a voice double for Nathan Lane for animated media, most notably as Timon in the Timon & Pumbaa TV series and in various other Disney related projects.

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Friedrich Wilhelm Schön

Nombre Friedrich
Apellido Schon
Nacidas el April 2, 1810
Murió el January 16, 1868 (aged 57)
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Eva Schön

Nombre Eva
Apellido Schön
Nacidas el November 30, 1919 (age 105)
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Wolfgang Schön

Nombre Wolfgang
Apellido Schön
Nacidas el November 14, 1943 (age 81)
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