Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Saltonstall

Nathaniel Saltonstall

Nombre Nathaniel
Nacidas el April 9, 1639
Murió el January 1, 1707 (aged 67)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall was a judge for the Court of Oyer and Terminer, a special court established in 1692 for the trial and sentence of people, mostly women, for the crime of witchcraft in the Province of Massachusetts Bay during the Salem Witch Trials. He is most famous for his resignation from the court, and though he left no indication of his feelings toward witchcraft, he is considered to be one of the more principled men of his time.

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Leverett Saltonstall

Nombre Leverett
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el September 1, 1892
Murió el June 17, 1979 (aged 86)

Leverett A. Saltonstall was an American lawyer and politician from Massachusetts. He served three two-year terms as the 55th Governor of Massachusetts, and for more than twenty years as a United States Senator (1945–1967). Saltonstall was internationalist in foreign policy and moderate on domestic policy, serving as a well-liked mediating force in the Republican Party. He was the only member of the Republican Senate leadership to vote for the censure of Joseph McCarthy.

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Dudley Saltonstall

Nombre Dudley
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el January 1, 1738
Murió el January 1, 1796 (aged 58)

Dudley Saltonstall (1738–1796) was an American naval commander during the American Revolutionary War. He is best known as the commander of the naval forces of the 1779 Penobscot Expedition, which ended in complete disaster, with all ships lost. Norton (2003) argues the Penobscot Expedition was a total failure due to poor planning, inadequate training, and timid leadership on the part of Saltonstall.

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Gurdon Saltonstall

Nombre Gurdon
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el March 27, 1666
Murió el September 20, 1724 (aged 58)

Gurdon Saltonstall was governor of the Colony of Connecticut from 1708 to 1724. Born into a distinguished family, Saltonstall became an accomplished and eminent Connecticut pastor. A close associate of Governor Fitz-John Winthrop, Saltonstall was appointed the colony's governor after Winthrop's death in 1707, and then reelected to the office annually until his own death.

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Richard Saltonstall

Nombre Richard
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el January 1, 1610
Murió el January 1, 1694 (aged 84)
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Endicott Peabody Saltonstall

Nombre Endicott
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el April 15, 1879
Murió el December 19, 1922 (aged 43)

Endicott Peabody Saltonstall was an American attorney who served as District Attorney of Middlesex County, Massachusetts from 1921 to 1922.

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Gurdon Saltonstall

Nombre Gurdon
Apellido Saltonstall
Nacidas el January 1, 1708
Murió el January 1, 1785 (aged 77)
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Richard Saltonstall

Nombre Richard
Apellido Saltonstall
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Dr. Nathaniel Saltonstall

Nombre Dr.
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Elizabeth Saltonstall

Nombre Elizabeth
Apellido Saltonstall
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