Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Roches

William des Roches

Nombre William
Apellido Roches
Murió el July 15, 1222

William des Roches was a French knight and crusader who acted as Seneschal of Anjou, of Maine and of Touraine. After serving the Angevin kings of England, in 1202 he changed his loyalty to King Philip II of France and became a leading member of his government.

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Peter des Roches

Nombre Peter
Apellido Roches
Nacidas el November 30, 1199
Murió el June 9, 1238 (aged 38)

Peter des Roches was bishop of Winchester in the reigns of King John of England and his son Henry III. He was not an Englishman, but rather a native of the Touraine, in north-central France.

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