Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Robison

Emily Robison

Emily Burns Strayer
Nombre Emily
Nacidas el August 16, 1972 (age 52)

Emily Robison, nacida Emily Burns Erwin es una cantante y compositora estadounidense, miembro del grupo country Dixie Chicks. La cantante toca varios instrumentos, como la guitarra y banjo.

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Shona Robison

Nombre Shona
Nacidas el May 26, 1966 (age 58)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Shona McRory Robison is a Scottish politician who is the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Dundee City East since 2011 and was Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport 2014–2018. She was elected as a Scottish National Party candidate in the 2003 election. Previously she had represented the SNP as an Additional Members System member for North East Scotland, having been elected in the 1999 election. She first became a member of the Cabinet in April 2014.

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Jemima Robison

Nombre Jemima
Murió el April 27, 1859
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Michael Robison

Nombre Michael
Apellido Robison
Nacidas el August 29, 1955 (age 69)
Nacidas en Canada, Ontario

Michael Robison is a Canadian film and television director. Since the late 1980s, he has amassed a number of directorial credits namely 21 Jump Street, Tropical Heat, Poltergeist: The Legacy, The Outer Limits, First Wave, Earth: Final Conflict, Mysterious Ways, Jeremiah, Andromeda, The Dead Zone, Kyle XY, Eureka, Project Mc2 and other series.

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unknown Robison

Nombre Unknown
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Barry Robison

Nombre Barry
Apellido Robison
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No lo conozco
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