Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Recco

Tommy Recco

Joseph-Thomas Recco
Nombre Tommy
Apellido Recco
Nacidas el January 1, 1934 (age 91)
Nacidas en France, Corsica

Joseph-Thomas "Tommy" Recco (born 1934), nicknamed "Geronimo", is a French serial killer. He was sentenced to criminal imprisonment in 1962 for murdering his godfather two years earlier. Released in 1977, he killed three cashiers in Béziers in December 1979 and three other people, including an 11-year-old, in Carqueiranne in January 1980. He was sentenced in 1983 to life imprisonment without parole for these two triple murders. An inmate since 1980, Tommy Recco is one of the oldest detainees in France.

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