Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Ranfurly

Thomas Knox, 2nd Earl of Ranfurly

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Ranfurly
Nacidas el April 19, 1786
Murió el March 21, 1858 (aged 71)

Thomas Knox, 2nd Earl of Ranfurly, styled Viscount Northland between 1831 and 1840, was an Anglo-Irish peer and politician.

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No lo conozco

Uchter Knox, 5th Earl of Ranfurly

Nombre Uchter
Nacidas el August 14, 1856
Murió el October 1, 1933 (aged 77)

Uchter John Mark Knox, 5th Earl of Ranfurly, was a British politician and colonial governor. He was Governor of New Zealand from 1897 to 1904.

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Thomas Knox, 1st Earl of Ranfurly

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Ranfurly
Nacidas el August 5, 1754
Murió el April 26, 1840 (aged 85)

Thomas Knox, 1st Earl of Ranfurly, styled The Honourable Thomas Knox between 1781 and 1818 and known as The Viscount Northland between 1818 and 1831, was an Irish peer and politician.

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Daniel Knox, 6th Earl of Ranfurly

Thomas Daniel Knox
Nombre Daniel
Apellido Ranfurly
Nacidas el May 29, 1913
Murió el November 6, 1988 (aged 75)

Thomas Daniel Knox, 6th Earl of Ranfurly, known as Dan Ranfurly, was a British Army officer and farmer, who served as Governor of the Bahamas. His exploits in the Second World War, along with those of his wife, Hermione, and his valet, Whitaker, were chronicled in his wife's memoirs from the time, To War With Whitaker: The Wartime Diaries of the Countess of Ranfurly, 1939–1945.

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Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly

Nombre Hermione,
Nacidas el November 13, 1913
Murió el February 11, 2001 (aged 87)

Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly was a British author and aristocrat best known for her war memoir To War With Whitaker: The Wartime Diaries of the Countess of Ranfurly, 1939–1945.

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Thomas Knox, 3rd Earl of Ranfurly

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Ranfurly
Nacidas el November 13, 1816
Murió el May 20, 1858 (aged 41)

Thomas Knox, 3rd Earl of Ranfurly, styled Viscount Northland between 1840 and 1858, was an Irish peer and Member of Parliament. He was the son of Thomas Knox, 2nd Earl of Ranfurly and his wife Mary Juliana Stuart, and represented Dungannon as a Member of Parliament between 9 June 1838 and 3 February 1851, when he resigned through the position of Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds. He was educated at St John's College, Cambridge.

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Thomas Knox

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Ranfurly
Nacidas el July 28, 1849
Murió el May 10, 1875 (aged 25)
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No lo conozco
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