Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Rakovic

Milovan Raković

Nombre Milovan
Apellido Raković
Nacidas el February 19, 1985 (age 39)
Altura 208 cm | 6'10

Milovan Raković es un jugador de baloncesto serbio que pertenece a la plantilla del Union Neuchâtel Basket suizo. Mide 2,08 metros de estatura, y juega en a posición de pívot.

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Predrag Raković

Nombre Predrag
Nacidas el November 30, 1911
Murió el December 15, 1944 (aged 33)

Predrag Raković was a Yugoslav military officer who joined the Chetnik forces of Draža Mihailović after the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941 during World War II. He became commander of the Chetnik 2nd Ravna Gora Corps and collaborated with the German-installed puppet government in the German-occupied territory of Serbia and later directly with the Germans against the rival communist-led Yugoslav Partisans. His forces briefly cooperated with Soviet forces against the Germans in October 1944, but faced with Soviet demands that they lay down their weapons or join the Partisans, they withdrew from occupied Serbia.

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