Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Potocka

Zofia Potocka

Nombre Sofia
Nacidas el January 11, 1760
Murió el November 24, 1822 (aged 62)
Nacidas en Bursa Province

Zofia Potocka née Clavone was a Greek slave courtesan and a Russian agent, later a Polish noblewoman. She was famous in contemporary Europe for her beauty and adventurous life. During the Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792) she was the lover of the Russian commander prince Grigory Potemkin and acted as an agent in Russian service.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Aleksandra z Potockich Potocka

Nombre Aleksandra
Nacidas el March 26, 1818
Murió el January 6, 1892 (aged 73)
Nacidas en Russia
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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