Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Pleydell

Gabriel Pleydell

Nombre Gabriel
Apellido Pleydell
Nacidas el November 30, 1518
Murió el November 30, 1590 (aged 72)

Gabriel Pleydell of Midg Hall in the parish of Lydiard St John in Wiltshire, was an English landowner and politician who served as Member of Parliament for the Wootton Bassett and Marlborough constituencies in the Parliament of England. Pleydell was born before 1519 into a large, affluent family. He entered politics in March 1553 as a member for Wootton Bassett, close to his family estate at Midgehall in Wiltshire. Pleydell's election to the Marlborough constituency two years later may have been made possible by his father's influential connections. He returned to the Wootton Bassett seat at the request of Sir John Thynne in 1563; he had supported Thynne in a dispute over the Knighthood of the Shire in 1559.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Edmund Morton Pleydell

Nombre Edmund
Apellido Pleydell
Murió el January 17, 1835
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No lo conozco

Mary Sophia Pleydell

Nombre Mary
Apellido Pleydell
Nacidas el January 20, 1788
Murió el November 30, 1826 (aged 38)
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No lo conozco

Cornelia Pleydell

Nombre Cornelia
Apellido Pleydell
Nacidas el October 9, 1785
Murió el March 1, 1830 (aged 44)
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No lo conozco

Arethusa Pleydell

Nombre Arethusa
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No lo conozco

Anne Pleydell

Nombre Anne
Apellido Pleydell
Nacidas el November 30, 1782
Murió el November 30, 1798 (aged 16)
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No lo conozco

Margaretta Pleydell

Nombre Margaretta
Nacidas el November 30, 1783
Murió el November 30, 1870 (aged 87)
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No lo conozco

Marcia Pleydell

Nombre Marcia
Apellido Pleydell
Nacidas el December 22, 1788
Murió el November 30, 1815 (aged 26)
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No lo conozco

Louisa Pleydell

Nombre Louisa
Nacidas el February 9, 1790
Murió el May 6, 1863 (aged 73)
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Emma Septima Pleydell

Nombre Emma
Nacidas el October 23, 1791
Murió el February 3, 1874 (aged 82)
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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