Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Plettenberg

Friedrich Christian von Plettenberg

Nombre Friedrich
Apellido Plettenberg
Nacidas el August 8, 1644
Murió el May 6, 1706 (aged 61)

Friedrich Christian Freiherr von Plettenberg-Lenhausen was from 1688 until his death prince bishop of Münster. Through his foreign policy, which relied on different alliance partners, he succeeded in giving the Hochstift Münster a semi-independent role for the last time during the Palatinate Succession War.

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Wilhelm von Plettenberg

Nombre Wilhelm
Apellido Plettenberg
Nacidas el November 30, 1649
Murió el February 2, 1711 (aged 61)
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Ferdinand von Plettenberg

Nombre Ferdinand
Apellido Plettenberg
Nacidas el October 24, 1650
Murió el September 5, 1712 (aged 61)
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Ferdinand von Plettenberg

Nombre Ferdinand
Apellido Plettenberg
Nacidas el July 25, 1690
Murió el March 18, 1737 (aged 46)

Baron Ferdinand Wilhelm Adolf Franz von Plettenberg, lateron Count von Plettenberg und Wittem, commonly referred to as Ferdinand von Plettenberg, born July 25, 1690, in Paderborn, died March 18, 1737, in Vienna was Prime Minister of the Electorate of Cologne, Treasurer and Hereditary Marshal of Prince-elector Clemens August of Bavaria and an important supporter of Maria Theresa in the succession to the throne for the Habsburgian Erblande.

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Joachim van Plettenberg

Nombre Joachim
Apellido Plettenberg
Nacidas el March 8, 1739
Murió el August 18, 1793 (aged 54)

Baron Joachim Ammena van Plettenberg was the governor of the Cape of Good Hope from 11 August 1771 to 14 February 1785. Plettenberg was presiding governor after Ryk Tulbagh's death. On 18 May 1774 he was permanently appointed as governor.

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Gertrud von Plettenberg

Nombre Gertrud
Nacidas el November 30, 1549
Murió el October 26, 1608 (aged 58)

Gertrud von Plettenberg, was administrator of several castles of the Electorate of Cologne and royal mistress of Ernest of Bavaria, Prince-Elector-Archbishop of Cologne. The couple may have married morganatically in secret around 1605.

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