Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Pinsky

Drew Pinsky

Nombre Drew
Apellido Pinsky
Nacidas el September 4, 1958 (age 66)

David Drew Pinsky, commonly known as Dr. Drew, is an American media personality and internist, addiction medicine specialist. He hosted the nationally syndicated radio talk show Loveline from the show's inception in 1984 until its end in 2016. On television, he hosted the talk show Dr. Drew On Call on HLN and the daytime series Lifechangers on The CW. In addition, he served as producer and starred in the VH1 show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, and its spinoffs Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew, Celebrity Rehab Presents Sober House. Pinsky currently hosts several podcasts, including The Dr. Drew Podcast, This Life with Dr. Drew, Dr. Drew After Dark on the Your Mom's House network, and The Adam and Drew Show with his former Loveline co-host Adam Carolla.

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