Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Phlius

Asclepiades of Phlius

Nombre Asclepiades
Nacidas el November 30, -0351
Murió el November 30, -0271 (aged 80)

Asclepiades of Phlius was a Greek philosopher in the Eretrian school of philosophy. He was the friend of Menedemus of Eretria, and they both went to live in Megara and studied under Stilpo, before sailing to Elis to join Phaedo's school. His friendship with Menedemus was said to have been hardly inferior to the friendship of Pylades and Orestes. As impoverished young men living in Athens, they were one day summoned before the Areopagus, to explain how they could spend all day with the philosophers if they had no visible means of support. They summoned a miller to the court to explain that they threshed grain at night for 2 drachmas, whereupon the Areopagites were so astonished that they awarded the two men 200 drachmas as a reward.

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Timón el Silógrafo

Nombre Timon
Nacidas el January 1, -0320
Murió el January 1, -0230 (aged 90)

Timón el Silógrafo o Timón de Fliunte fue un filosófo escéptico griego, así como un poeta satírico. Era discípulo de Estilpón de Megara y de Pirrón.

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Axiotea de Fliunte

Nombre Axiothea
Nacidas el November 30, -0401
Murió el November 30, -0401

Axiotea de Fliunte (en griego, Ἀξιοθέα Φλειασία: fl. c. 350 BEC) fue una filósofa griega, que estudió con Platón y Espeusipo.

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