Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Perak

Azlan Shah de Perak

Nombre Azlan
Apellido Perak
Nacidas el April 19, 1928
Murió el May 28, 2014 (aged 86)
Nacidas en Malaysia, Perak

Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuff Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu-lah was the 34th sultan of Perak and the ninth Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia from 26 April 1989 to 25 April 1994. The child of a royal father and commoner mother, he grew up in Perak, Malaysia. During school he played field hockey, subsequently playing for the Perak team. He trained to be a lawyer in the United Kingdom. Upon returning to Malaysia, he soon became a judge and quickly rose through the legal ranks. In 1965, he became the youngest person appointed to the High Court of Malaya, and in 1982 he became the youngest ever Lord President of the Federal Court, the country's highest judicial rank.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Is Anwar Datuk Rajo Perak

Nombre Is
Nacidas el July 10, 1944
Murió el December 31, 2019 (aged 75)
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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