Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Parentium

Mauro de Parentium

Nombre Maurus
Apellido Parentium
Nacidas el January 1, 0300
Murió el January 1, 0201

Saint Maurus of Parentium is the patron saint of the Croatian city of Poreč, called Parentium in Roman times. The Church has existed in Istria since the times of the early Christian martyrs. St. Maurus was the first bishop of Poreč and the Istrian diocese who suffered a martyred death in the late 3rd century. A basilica was built in Poreč in the 5th century called Euphrasian Basilica where the relics of Saint Maurus, now the patron saint of the city, are kept in the votive chapel called a martyrium. He is shown on the mosaic of the basilica with a martyr's crown in his hand.

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