Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Pakington

Thomas Pakington

Nombre Thomas
Apellido Pakington
Murió el June 2, 1571

Sir Thomas Pakington of Hampton, Worcestershire, was knighted by Queen Mary on 2 October 1553 and was Sheriff of Worcester in 1561.

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Frances Pakington

Nombre Frances
Apellido Pakington
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Sir John Pakington

Nombre Sir
Nacidas el January 1, 1549
Murió el January 18, 1625 (aged 76)

Sir John Pakington of Aylesbury was a courtier in the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I. He was a favourite of Elizabeth's who nicknamed him "Lusty Pakington" for his physique and sporting abilities. Away from court he held a number of official positions including Sheriff of Worcestershire in 1595 and in 1607.

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Mary Pakington

Nombre Mary
Apellido Pakington
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Mary Pakington

Nombre Mary
Apellido Pakington
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Catherine Pakington

Nombre Catherine
Apellido Pakington
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Margaret Pakington

Nombre Margaret
Apellido Pakington
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No lo conozco
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