Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Osborne

Bertín Osborne

Norberto Juan Ortiz Osborne
Nombre Bertín
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el December 7, 1954 (age 70)

Norberto Juan Ortiz Osborne, conocido como Bertín Osborne, es un presentador, cantante y actor español.

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Robert Osborne

Robert Jolin Osborne Jr.
Nombre Robert
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el May 3, 1932
Murió el March 6, 2017 (aged 84)

Robert Jolin Osborne Jr. fue un actor de cine, escenario, voz, televisión e historiador de cine estadounidense conocido por haber sido el anfitrión del canal Turner Classic Movies desde la década de 1990 hasta su jubilación a principios de 2016.

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George Osborne

Nombre George
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el May 23, 1971 (age 53)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

George Gideon Oliver Osborne es un político británico del partido Conservador y actual director del periódico británico Evening Standard.

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Dan Osborne

Nombre Dan
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el June 27, 1991 (age 33)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 194 cm | 6'4

Daniel James Osborne is an English television personality, known for being a former cast member on the ITVBe reality series The Only Way Is Essex. In 2018, he was a housemate on Celebrity Big Brother, reaching the final and finishing in third place.

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Madolyn Smith Osborne

Nombre Madolyn
Nacidas el January 1, 1957 (age 68)

Madolyn Smith is an American former actress. She is known for her roles in the films Urban Cowboy (1980), 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984), and Funny Farm (1988).

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Drew Osborne

Nombre Drew
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el March 11, 1991
Murió el January 4, 2021 (aged 29)

Drew Osborne was an American film & television producer and actor.

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Gwendolyn Osborne

Nombre Gwendolyn
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Gwendolyn Osborne-Smith is a model and actress who spent 12 years on The Price Is Right as a model. Born to a Jamaican mother and British father, Osborne married retired NBA player Kenny Smith on 2 September 2006. They have two children together and Smith is stepfather to Osborne's daughter (Monique) from a previous relationship. On The Price Is Right episode from 17 October 2017 it was announced that she would be leaving the show to pursue other interests.

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Jason Osborne

Nombre Jason
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el March 20, 1994 (age 30)
Altura 178 cm | 5'10

Jason Toby Osborne es un deportista alemán que compite en remo y ciclismo.

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Mark Osborne

Mark Randolph Osborne
Nombre Mark
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el September 17, 1970 (age 54)

Mark Randolph Osborne is an American film director, writer, producer and animator.

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Charles Osborne

Nombre Charles
Apellido Osborne
Nacidas el July 13, 1816
Murió el June 15, 1871 (aged 54)
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