Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Nepos

Julio Nepote

Nombre Julius
Apellido Nepos
Nacidas el January 1, 0430
Murió el May 9, 0480 (aged 50)

Flavio Julio Nepote Augusto fue emperador del Imperio romano de Occidente —considerado el último de iure— en la época en que la caída del Imperio occidental era ya inminente.

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Quinto Cecilio Metelo Nepote

Nombre Quintus
Nacidas el January 1, -0130
Murió el January 1, -0055 (aged 75)

Quinto Cecilio Metelo Nepote fue un militar y político de la República romana.

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wife of Julius Nepos

Nombre Wife
Apellido Nepos
Nacidas el November 30, 0449
Murió el November 30, 0499 (aged 50)

The wife of Julius Nepos was the last empress of the Roman Empire in the West, whose husband reigned from 474 through 480, although he was in exile from his capital after 475. His surname, Nepos, he obtained through his marriage. His wife's given name is not in any primary source, all of which report her as the neptis of Leo I the Thracian of the Roman Empire in the East (457–74), and his spouse Verina. The word neptis could translate as granddaughter, niece or (close) relative, but it is usually assumed that Julius' wife was Leo's niece, and more likely related by blood to Verina rather than Leo. The historian Malchus reports, "Verina also joined in urging this, giving a helping hand to the wife of Nepos, her relative".

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