Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Narimasa

Sassa Narimasa

Nombre Sassa
Apellido Narimasa
Nacidas el February 6, 1536
Murió el August 7, 1588 (aged 52)
Nacidas en Japan, Aichi Prefecture

Sassa Narimasa fue un daimyō del período Sengoku en la historia de Japón.

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Tokugawa Narimasa

Nombre Tokugawa
Apellido Narimasa
Nacidas el May 30, 1779
Murió el July 8, 1848 (aged 69)

Tokugawa Narimasa was a Japanese samurai of the Edo period. The son of Tokugawa Harusada, head of the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa house, he succeeded Tokugawa Haruaki as head of the Tayasu branch of the Tokugawa house, which had been without a ruler for some time. His childhood name was Yoshinosuke (慶之丞).

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Nagano Narimasa

Nombre Nagano
Apellido Narimasa
Nacidas el November 30, 1490
Murió el November 30, 1560 (aged 70)

Nagano Narimasa was a Japanese samurai retainer of the Uesugi clan during the Sengoku period and lord of Gunma. He was known for building Minowa Castle in 1526, and his skill at castle defense

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Chiba Shusaku Narimasa

Nombre Chiba
Apellido Narimasa
Nacidas el January 1, 1793
Murió el January 17, 1856 (aged 63)
Nacidas en Japan, Miyagi Prefecture

Chiba Shūsaku Taira no Narimasa was the founder of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū Hyōhō (北辰一刀流兵法) and one of the last masters who was called a Kensei. Most historians name him the greatest and strongest Samurai in history, not Miyamoto Musashi. This is because his life and duels are well documented and are not based on legends or on self told stories, like Musashi's.

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