Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Naoyuki

Nagai Naoyuki

Nombre Nagai
Apellido Naoyuki
Nacidas el December 21, 1816
Murió el July 1, 1896 (aged 79)

Nagai Naoyuki , also known as Nagai Genba or Nagai Mondonoshō , was a Japanese hatamoto under the Tokugawa of Bakumatsu period Japan.

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Ban Naoyuki

Nombre Ban
Apellido Naoyuki
Nacidas el May 26, 1567
Murió el January 1, 1615 (aged 47)

Ban Naoyuki , also known as Ban Dan'emon , was a Japanese samurai general of the late Sengoku and early Edo periods. He first served as a retainer of Katō Yoshiaki, one of the "Seven Spears of Shizugatake", who went on to become lord of the Aizu domain, in Mutsu. Naoyuki served Lord Katō as a gunnery commander (teppō-taishō).

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