Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Nagayoshi

Mori Nagayoshi

Nombre Mori
Apellido Nagayoshi
Nacidas el January 1, 1558
Murió el May 18, 1584 (aged 26)

Mori Nagayoshi, hijo de Mori Yoshinari, fue un oficial japonés al servicio del Clan Oda durante el Periodo Sengoku, y el hermano mayor del famoso Mori Ranmaru.

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Miyoshi Nagayoshi

Nombre Miyoshi
Apellido Nagayoshi
Nacidas el March 10, 1522
Murió el August 10, 1564 (aged 42)

Miyoshi Nagayoshi , eldest son of Miyoshi Motonaga, was a Japanese samurai and daimyō who was lord of the Miyoshi clan during the Sengoku period. Nagayoshi held the court titles of Shūri-dayū (修理太夫) and Chikuzen no Kami (筑前守), and was also known by the more Sinic reading of his name: Chōkei (長慶). During his tenure, the Miyoshi clan would experience a great rise of power, and engage in a protracted military campaign against its rivals, the Rokkaku and the Hosokawa.

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Yūya Nagayoshi

Nombre Yūya
Apellido Nagayoshi
Nacidas el July 14, 1991 (age 33)

Yuya Nagayoshi is a Japanese professional basketball player who plays for the Kyoto Hannaryz of the B.League in Japan. The Japanese Olympic Committee penalized Nagayoshi and three players for buying sex in Jakarta and sent them back home on August 20, 2018. They have been suspended from official competition for one year.

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Nagai Nagayoshi

Nombre Nagai
Apellido Nagayoshi
Nacidas el August 8, 1844
Murió el February 10, 1929 (aged 84)

Nagai Nagayoshi was a notable Japanese organic chemist and pharmacologist, best known for his study of ephedrine.

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