Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Moritz

Sabine Moritz

Nombre Sabine
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el January 1, 1969 (age 56)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony-Anhalt

Sabine Moritz is a German painter and graphic designer. She is married to Gerhard Richter.

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Louisa Moritz

Luisa Cira Castro Netto
Nombre Louisa
Murió el January 30, 2019 (aged 49)
Nacidas en Cuba, Havana Province

Louisa Moritz was a Cuban-American actress and lawyer. After arriving in New York from Cuba, she became a film and television actress, then earned a law degree. She is best known for her roles in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the television show Love, American Style.

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Neal H. Moritz

Nombre Neal
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el June 6, 1959 (age 65)

Neal H. Moritz es un productor de cine estadounidense, fundador de la empresa Original Film.

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André Moritz

Nombre André
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el August 6, 1986 (age 38)
Nacidas en Brazil, Santa Catarina
Altura 187 cm | 6'2

André Francisco Moritz, or simply André Moritz, is a Brazilian footballer of Italian and German descent who plays as a forward for Confiança.

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Werner Moritz

Nombre Werner
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el March 8, 1928
Murió el July 7, 1967 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Germany
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Michael Moritz

Nombre Michael
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el September 12, 1954 (age 70)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Wales
Fortuna $5.7B

Sir Michael Jonathan Moritz is a Welsh billionaire venture capitalist and former journalist. Moritz works for Sequoia Capital and is a philanthropist and author of the first history of Apple Inc., The Little Kingdom, and of Going for Broke: Lee Iacocca's Battle to Save Chrysler. Previously, Moritz was a staff writer at Time magazine and a member of the board of directors of Google. He studied at the University of Oxford and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and went on to found Technologic Partners before becoming a venture capitalist in the 1980s. Moritz was named as the No. 1 venture capitalist on the Forbes Midas List in 2006 and 2007.

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Dirk Moritz

Nombre Dirk
Nacidas el March 1, 1979 (age 45)
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Sema Moritz

Nombre Sema
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el August 14, 1956 (age 68)
Nacidas en Ankara Province
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Friedrich Moritz

Nombre Friedrich
Apellido Moritz
Nacidas el October 27, 1653
Murió el December 13, 1710 (aged 57)
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Hans-Dieter Moritz

Nombre Hans-Dieter
Nacidas el January 13, 1940 (age 85)
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