Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Morimasa

Prince Nashimoto Morimasa

Nombre Nashimoto
Apellido Morimasa
Nacidas el March 9, 1874
Murió el January 2, 1951 (aged 76)
Nacidas en Japan, Kyoto Prefecture

Prince Nashimoto Morimasa was a member of the Japanese Imperial Family and a field marshal in the Imperial Japanese Army. An uncle-in-law of Emperor Shōwa, an uncle of his consort, Empress Kōjun, and the father-in-law of Crown Prince Euimin of Korea, Prince Nashimoto was the only member of the Imperial Family arrested for war crimes during the American occupation of Japan following the Second World War.

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No lo conozco

Sakuma Morimasa

Nombre Sakuma
Apellido Morimasa
Nacidas el November 30, 1553
Murió el July 1, 1583 (aged 29)

Sakuma Morimasa fue un samurái japonés del período Sengoku de la historia de Japón.

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No lo conozco
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