Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Middlemiss

Philip Middlemiss

Nombre Philip
Apellido Middlemiss
Nacidas el June 19, 1963 (age 61)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Philip Middlemiss is an English television and radio actor, best known for playing bookmaker Des Barnes in ITV's Coronation Street between 1990 and 1998. The character was killed off, ordered by Brian Park, who was the programme's producer at the time. He subsequently appeared in ITV's Where the Heart Is for a few series in the 2000s.

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Elinor Middlemiss

Nombre Elinor
Apellido Middlemiss
Nacidas el January 28, 1967 (age 57)

Elinor Middlemiss is a former Scottish badminton player. At present she is working as Games team operations manager of Badminton Scotland Commonwealth games.

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Kenny Middlemiss

Nombre Kenny
Apellido Middlemiss
Nacidas el June 19, 1964 (age 60)

Kenny Middlemiss is a former Scottish badminton player. Kenny, is a 20-times National champion and has won 155 caps for the Scotland in badminton, highest ever by any British athlete. Ken has represented Scotland in the four consecutive Commonwealth games between 1986 and 1998 across three disciplines; reaching quarterfinals several times. He also played in World championships between 1989 and 1997. He has won titles mainly in European grand prix in Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Slovenia, Spain & Austria. He also won one World grand prix tournament in United States besides couple of runner-up performances in France and Scotland. He is married to Elinor Middlemiss, another former player from his country.

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