Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Michler

June Mary Clifton Michler

Nombre June
Apellido Michler
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No lo conozco

Wilhelm Michler

Nombre Wilhelm
Apellido Michler
Nacidas el December 27, 1846
Murió el November 27, 1889 (aged 42)

Wilhelm Michler was a German chemist. He studied under Hermann von Fehling and Victor Meyer in Stuttgart and followed Meyer to the ETH Zurich in 1871. Michler became Professor at the ETH Zurich in 1878. He left Europe for a journey to study the natural products of South America in August 1881. He reached Brazil and conducted his research between 1882 and his death in 1889. He also became Professor at the Escola Politécnica Rio de Janeiro.

Conozco \
No lo conozco
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