Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Mattingly

Don Mattingly

Nombre Don
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el April 20, 1961 (age 63)
Altura 183 cm | 6'0

Donald Arthur Mattingly es un exjugador de baseball, de posición primera base, quien jugó toda su carrera (1982-1995) con los New York Yankees. Se desempeñó también como entrenador de bateo entre 2004 y 2006, y en 2007 como ayudante de banca de Joe Torre. Actualmente es el entrenador en jefe de los Los Miami Marlins .

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Thomas K. Mattingly II

Nombre Ken
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el March 17, 1936 (age 88)

Thomas Kenneth Mattingly II es un astronauta estadounidense retirado.

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Hedley Mattingly

Nombre Hedley
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el May 7, 1915
Murió el March 3, 1998 (aged 82)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Hedley Howard Mattingly was a British actor who appeared in many American films and television series.

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Harold Mattingly

Nombre Harold
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el December 24, 1884
Murió el January 26, 1964 (aged 79)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Harold Mattingly was a British art historian and numismatist, who specialised in the history of Ancient Rome, especially Etruscan and Roman currency. His son, Harold B. Mattingly (1923-2015) was also a celebrated numismatist, and President of the Royal Numismatic Society 1999-2004.

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Mack Mattingly

Nombre Mack
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el January 7, 1931 (age 94)

Mack Francis Mattingly is an American diplomat and politician who served one term as a United States senator from Georgia, the first Republican to have served in the U.S. Senate from that state since Reconstruction.

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Ashley Mattingly

Nombre Ashley
Apellido Mattingly
Nacidas el September 10, 1986
Murió el April 15, 2020 (aged 33)

The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 2011. Playboy magazine names its Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.

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