Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Masanaga

Miyoshi Masanaga

Nombre Miyoshi
Apellido Masanaga
Nacidas el November 30, 1507
Murió el July 18, 1549 (aged 41)

Miyoshi Masanaga was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period, a member of the Miyoshi clan who served as daimyō of Awa. He is remembered as the cousin of Miyoshi Chōkei. Masanaga had very strong relations with the Ikeda clan, as Ikeda Nagamasa was his son-in-law. Due to this strong relation between the families, Chokei considered him a threat. After 1548, Masanaga engaged in a major battle against his cousin, which ended in Chokei's victory. Masanaga's whereabouts after this battle are unknown.

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