Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Marischal

William Keith, 2nd Earl Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Conozco \
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William Keith, 6th Earl Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Nacidas el January 1, 1585
Murió el October 28, 1635 (aged 50)

William Keith, 6th Earl Marischal was a Scottish lord, Earl Marischal and naval official.

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William Keith, 7th Earl Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Murió el January 1, 1671

William Keith, 7th Earl Marischal was a Scottish nobleman and Covenanter. He was the eldest son of William Keith, 6th Earl Marischal.

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George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal

Nombre George
Apellido Marischal
Nacidas el November 30, 1552
Murió el January 1, 1623 (aged 70)

George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal was a Scottish nobleman and Earl Marischal. He succeeded as earl on 7 October 1581, upon the death of his grandfather, William Keith, 4th Earl Marischal.

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William de Keith, 1st Earl Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Conozco \
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John Wauchope of Niddrie Marischal

Nombre John
Apellido Marischal
Nacidas el September 24, 1900
Murió el January 26, 1956 (aged 55)
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William Keith, 9th Earl Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Nacidas el January 1, 1664
Murió el May 27, 1712 (aged 48)

William Keith, 9th Earl Marischal was a Jacobite politician and Earl Marischal of Scotland.

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George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal

Nombre George
Apellido Marischal
Murió el May 25, 1778
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal was a Scottish and Prussian army officer and diplomat. Jacobite by persuasion, he was the tenth and last Earl Marischal, having inherited the title from his father the 9th earl in 1712.

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William Keith, Master of Marischal

Nombre William
Apellido Marischal
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Robert Wauchope of Niddrie Marischal

Nombre Robert
Apellido Marischal
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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