Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Mak

Róbert Mak

Róbert Mak es un futbolista eslovaco que juega como centrocampista en el Ferencváros T. C. de la Nemzeti Bajnokság I de Hungría.

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Mayanne Mak

Nombre Mayanne
Nacidas el February 28, 1987 (age 37)
Nacidas en Canada, British Columbia

Mayanne Mak, is a Canadian actress and host with TVB.

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Juno Mak

Nombre Juno
Apellido Mak
Nacidas el March 18, 1984 (age 40)

Juno Mak Jai, más conocido como Juno Mark, es un actor cantante y productor hongkonés.

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Teresa Mak

Nombre Teresa
Apellido Mak
Nacidas el August 1, 1975 (age 49)

Teresa Mak Ka-kei (麥家琪) is a Hong Kong actress signed to ATV. She competed in the 1993 Miss Hong Kong Pageant.

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Connie Mak

Nombre Connie
Nacidas el December 19, 1954 (age 70)

Connie Mak Kit-man, also called Connie Mak and Kitman Mak, is a Hong Kong singer and actress. Her ancestral hometown is Qingyuan, Guangdong.

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Johnny Mak

Nombre Johnny
Nacidas el November 30, 1959 (age 65)

Johnny Mak Ip-sing is a pro-ROC and pro-democracy politician in Hong Kong. He has been a Yuen Long District Councillor since 1991 and is the current Chairman of the Democratic Alliance.

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Tak Wah Mak

Nombre Tak
Apellido Mak
Nacidas el October 4, 1946 (age 78)

Tak Wah Mak, is a Canadian medical researcher, geneticist, oncologist, and biochemist. He first became widely known for his discovery of the T-cell receptor in 1983 and pioneering work in the genetics of immunology. In 1995, Mak published a landmark paper on the discovery of the function of the immune checkpoint protein CTLA-4, thus opening the path for immunotherapy/checkpoint inhibitors as a means of cancer treatment. Mak is also the founder of Agios Pharmaceuticals, whose lead compound, IDHIFA®, was approved by the FDA for acute myeloid leukemia in August 2017, becoming the first drug specifically targeting cancer metabolism to be used for cancer treatment. He has worked in a variety of areas including biochemistry, immunology, and cancer genetics.

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Yull-Win Mak

Nombre Yull-Win
Nacidas el August 25, 1962 (age 62)
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Karene Mak

Nombre Karene
Nacidas el March 1, 1986 (age 38)
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Johnny Mak

Nombre Johnny
Nacidas el November 30, 1949 (age 75)
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