Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Mahmoud

Mustafa Mahmud

Nombre Mustafa
Apellido Mahmoud
Murió el October 31, 2009 (aged 39)

Mustafa Kamal Mahmoud Hussein commonly known as Mustafa Mahmoud was an Egyptian doctor, philosopher, and author. Mustafa Mahmoud was born in Shibin el-Kom, Monufia province, Egypt. He was trained as a doctor, but later chose a career as a journalist and author, traveling and writing on many subjects.

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Hassan Hosny

حسن حُسني محمود
Nombre Hassan
Apellido Hosny
Nacidas el June 19, 1936
Murió el May 30, 2020 (aged 83)
Nacidas en Cairo Governorate

Hassan Hosny was an Egyptian actor and comedian. He was known for El Nazer (2000), El basha telmiz (2004) and Zaky Chan (2005). Widely regarded as a veteran of Egyptian cinema, his acting career spanned over 50 years and included performances in almost 500 films, television programs and theatre plays. He has been referred to as the Joker of Egyptian cinema.

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Younis Mahmoud

Nombre Younis
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas en Iraq, Kirkuk Governorate
Altura 186 cm | 6'1

Younis Mahmoud es un exfutbolista Iraquí que nació el 3 de febrero de 1983 que jugaba en la posición de delantero. Su último equipo fue el Al Gharafa de Catar, y fue internacional con la Selección de fútbol de Irak.

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Naglaa Mahmoud

Nombre Naglaa
Nacidas el July 4, 1962 (age 62)
Nacidas en Cairo Governorate

Naglaa Ali Mahmoud is the widow and cousin of the fifth President of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi and was First Lady from 2012 to 2013. Naglaa rejected the title of First Lady, preferring to be called "First Servant," the "president's wife," or "Umm Ahmed," a traditional name (kunya) which means mother of Ahmed, her oldest son.

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Haider Mahmoud

Nombre Haider
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas el January 1, 1942 (age 82)
Nacidas en Israel, Haifa District

Haider Mahmoud is a poet and a Jordanian nationalist of Palestinian origin. He was born in Haifa in 1942. His family fled their home in the aftermath of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. He studied in Amman before pursuing his higher education in the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Mohamed Mahmoud

Nombre Mohamed
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas el June 18, 1985
Murió el November 28, 2018 (aged 33)
Nacidas en Austria

Mohamed Mahmoud, known as Abu Usama al-Gharib, was an Austrian Islamic militant and a senior leader in the Islamic State.

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Zaki Naguib Mahmoud

Nombre Zaki
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas el January 1, 1905
Murió el September 8, 1993 (aged 88)

Zaki Naguib Mahmoud was an Egyptian intellectual and thinker, and is considered a pioneer in modern Arabic philosophical thought. Best known with "The philosopher of authors and author of philosophers" as Abbas Mahmoud al-Akkad called him. Mahmoud adhered to logical positivism and adopted science interpretation with social motivations to reconcile the Arab tradition with modernism. Mahmoud defines the "Arab tradition" as the configuration of techniques by which our ancestors lived. And he viewed logical positivism as the spirit of "Modernism".

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Adel Mahmoud

Nombre Adel
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas el August 24, 1941
Murió el June 11, 2018 (aged 76)

Adel K. Mahmoud was an Egyptian-born American doctor and expert in infectious diseases. He was credited with developing the Gardasil HPV vaccine and the rotavirus vaccine while serving as president of Merck Vaccines. After retiring from Merck he became a professor at Princeton University.

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Suleiman Mahmoud

Nombre Suleiman
Apellido Mahmoud
Nacidas el November 30, 1948
Murió el October 6, 2020 (aged 71)
Nacidas en Libya, Butnan District

Suleiman Mahmoud al-Obeidi fue un militar libio.

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Essmat Mahmoud

Nombre Essmat
Nacidas el September 14, 1937
Murió el December 18, 2019 (aged 82)
Nacidas en Cairo Governorate
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