Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Levis

Will Levis

Nombre Will
Apellido Levis

Will Levis is an American football quarterback for the Kentucky Wildcats.

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Anne Geneviève de Lévis

Nombre Anne
Apellido Lévis
Nacidas el February 1, 1673
Murió el March 20, 1727 (aged 54)

Anne Geneviève de Lévis was a French noblewoman. She was Princess of Turenne by her first marriage and Duchess of Rohan-Rohan, Princess of Soubise by her second marriage. Anne Geneviève was the only child of Madame de Ventadour, governess of the young Louis XV. She married twice and had children with her second husband. She died in Paris aged fifty-four.

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Pierre Marc Gaston de Lévis, Duke of Lévis

Nombre Pierre
Apellido Lévis
Nacidas el March 7, 1764
Murió el February 15, 1830 (aged 65)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Pierre-Marc-Gaston de Lévis, second duke of Lévis, peer of France, was a French politician, aphorist and député to the National Constituent Assembly. His father was the first duke of Lévis, marshal Francis de Gaston. In 1816 he was elected to seat 6 of the Académie française. During the French Revolution, he escaped to England. Two of his three sisters and his mother were sent to the guillotine during the French Revolution.

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Gaston-François-Christophe de Lévis

Nacidas el April 10, 1794
Murió el February 9, 1863 (aged 68)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
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Francis de Gaston, Caballero de Lévis

Nombre Francis
Apellido Levis
Nacidas el August 20, 1719
Murió el November 20, 1787 (aged 68)
Nacidas en France, Occitania

Francis de Gaston, Caballero de Lévis fue un Mariscal francés. Tuvo un importante papel en la Guerra de Sucesión Austríaca y bajo el mando de Louis-Joseph de Montcalm en la Guerra Franco-india.

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Gaston Pierre de Lévis-Mirepoix

Nombre Gaston
Apellido Lévis
Nacidas el December 2, 1699
Murió el September 24, 1757 (aged 57)
Nacidas en France, Grand Est

Charles-Pierre-Gaston François de Lévis, duc de Lévis-Mirepoix (1699-1757), maréchal de France (1757) y embajador de Luis XV fue un miembro de la casa que se estableció en Languedoc como seigneur de la ciudad de Mirepoix, en el Ariège.

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Louis Charles de Lévis

Nombre Louis
Apellido Lévis
Nacidas el January 1, 1647
Murió el September 18, 1717 (aged 70)

Louis Charles de Lévis was a French nobleman and Duke of Ventadour. His wife was the governess of the infant Louis XV and his only child Anne Geneviève made two prestigious marriages into contemporary nobility.

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Antoine de Lévis

Nombre Antoine
Apellido Lévis
Murió el January 1, 1565
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