Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Levan

Ivy Levan

Nombre Ivy
Apellido Levan
Nacidas el January 20, 1987 (age 38)

Ivy Rose Levan, más conocida como Ivy Levan, es una cantante, actriz y modelo estadounidense. Levan firmó reciente con Cherrytree Records, filial de Interscope Records. Levan realizó su debut en la actuación al interpretar a Cynthia en la película de 2010 Drop Dead Gorgeous. Levan se mudó a Los Angeles a los 16 años de edad para perseguir una carrera musical.

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John St Aubyn, 1st Baron St Levan

Nombre John
Apellido Levan
Nacidas el October 23, 1829
Murió el May 14, 1908 (aged 78)

John St Aubyn, 1st Baron St Levan, known as Sir John St Aubyn, 2nd Baronet, from 1872 to 1887, was a British Liberal, and later Liberal Unionist, politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1858 until 1887 when he was raised to the peerage.

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John Townshend St Aubyn, 2nd Baron St Levan

Nombre John
Apellido Levan
Nacidas el September 23, 1857
Murió el November 10, 1940 (aged 83)

Brigadier-General John Townshend St Aubyn, 2nd Baron St Levan,, known as Hon. John Townshend St Aubyn from 1866 to 1908, was a British army officer and peer.

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John St Aubyn, 4th Baron St Levan

Nombre John
Apellido Levan
Nacidas el February 23, 1919
Murió el April 7, 2013 (aged 94)

John Francis Arthur St Aubyn, 4th Baron St Levan DSC OBE DL was a British hereditary peer, decorated Royal Navy officer, solicitor, and heritage figure. From 1978 to 2003, he was custodian of the family seat of St Michael's Mount in Cornwall.

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