Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Krag

Vilhelm Krag

Nombre Vilhelm
Nacidas el December 24, 1871
Murió el July 10, 1933 (aged 61)
Nacidas en Norway, Agder

Vilhelm Krag was a Norwegian poet, author, journalist and cultural personality. Known for coining the term Sørlandet to describe a region of Norway, he was the son of Peter Rasmus Krag and younger brother of the novelist Thomas Krag.

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Dorothea Krag

Nombre Dorothea
Nacidas el September 27, 1675
Murió el October 10, 1754 (aged 79)

Dorothea Krag was a Danish Postmaster General and noble.

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Jens Otto Krag

Nombre Jens
Apellido Krag
Nacidas el September 15, 1914
Murió el June 22, 1978 (aged 63)

Jens Otto Krag fue un político danés, primer ministro entre 1962 y 1968 y entre 1971 y 1972.

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Astrid Krag

Nombre Astrid
Nacidas el November 17, 1982 (age 41)

Astrid Krag is a Danish politician, member of parliament for the Social Democrats. She is currently the Minister of Social Affairs and the Interior in the Cabinet of Mette Frederiksen. She previously served as Minister of Health and Prevention in the Cabinet of Helle Thorning-Schmidt October 2011 – January 2014. She was a part of the SF youth movement since her high school years at Tørring Amtsgymnasium. She studied Political Science at the University of Copenhagen from 2003 to 2007, and in November 2007 she was elected to parliament.

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Franz Krag

Nombre Franz
Apellido Krag
Nacidas el November 30, 1939 (age 84)
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