Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kosei

Charlie Kosei

Nombre Charlie
Apellido Kosei
Nacidas el October 14, 1950 (age 73)
Nacidas en Japan, Hyōgo Prefecture

Charlie Kosei is a jazz musician and performer, most known for his contributions to the soundtracks of the Lupin III anime series. He was born as Cheui Gwongsing. He also contributed his voice to the English-language song Que Sera Sera in the PlayStation 2 videogame Katamari Damacy and performed the Japanese translation of Secret Agent Man. He is also performing for the opening theme 『下弦の月』 of the anime series Mononoke.

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Fukunaga Kosei

Nombre Fukunaga
Apellido Kosei
Nacidas el March 18, 1940 (age 84)
Nacidas en Japan

Kosei Fukunaga , better known simply as Husheng or Kosei, is a Manchu-Japanese noblewoman. She was born in the Aisin Gioro clan, the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty. She is the younger daughter of Pujie, the younger brother of the last Chinese Emperor Xuantong, and her mother was Hiro Saga, a Japanese noblewoman who was distantly related to Emperor Shōwa.

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