Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kornfeld

Artie Kornfeld

Avraham ben Yisroel Kornfeld
Nombre Artie
Nacidas el September 9, 1942 (age 82)

Arthur Lawrence Kornfeld is an American musician, record producer, and music executive. He is best known as the music promoter for the Woodstock Festival held in 1969. Kornfeld is also known for his collaborations with Artie Kaplan.

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Eberhard W. Kornfeld

Nombre Eberhard
Apellido Kornfeld
Nacidas el September 23, 1923 (age 101)
Nacidas en Switzerland, Basel-Stadt

Eberhard W. Kornfeld is a Swiss auctioneer, gallerist, author, art dealer and collector in Bern.

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