Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Korechika

Fujiwara no Korechika

Nombre Fujiwara
Apellido Korechika
Nacidas el November 30, 0973
Murió el February 14, 1010 (aged 36)

Fujiwara no Korechika , the second son of Michitaka, was a kugyo of the Heian period. His mother was Takashina no Takako, also known as Kō-no-Naishi (高内侍). His sister Teishi (Sadako) was married to Emperor Ichijō, and Korechika aspired to become the regent (Sessho) for his young brother-in-law after his father's death. Korechika's ambitions pitted him against his powerful uncle, Fujiwara no Michinaga, and the resulting power struggle continued until Empress Teishi's unexpected death. This left Michinaga's daughter, Shoshi, as Ichijō's sole empress, solidifying Michinaga's power at court.

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