Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Konigsmarck

Philip Christoph von Königsmarck

Nombre Philip
Apellido Königsmarck
Murió el July 11, 1694
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Philip Christoph von Königsmarck, also spelled Philipp, was a Swedish count and soldier. He was allegedly the lover of Sophia Dorothea, Princess of Celle, the wife of Duke George Louis of Brunswick and Lüneburg, the heir presumptive of the Principality of Calenberg, later to become Elector of Hanover and King of Great Britain.

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Conrad Christoff von Königsmarck

Nombre Kurt
Apellido Königsmarck
Nacidas el March 24, 1634
Murió el October 31, 1673 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Conrad or Kurt Christoph von Königsmarck was a Dutch-Swedish military leader.

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Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck

Nombre Amalia
Apellido Königsmarck
Nacidas el August 20, 1663
Murió el January 30, 1740 (aged 76)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Amalia "Emilie" Wilhelmina Königsmarck was a Swedish noble, known as a dilettante artist (painter), amateur actor, and poet.

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Maria Aurora von Königsmarck

Nombre Maria
Apellido Königsmarck
Murió el February 16, 1728
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Countess Maria Aurora von Königsmarck was a Swedish and German noblewoman of Brandenburg extraction and mistress of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland.

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Carl Johann von Königsmarck

Nombre Carl
Apellido Königsmarck
Nacidas el May 15, 1659
Murió el August 28, 1686 (aged 27)

Carl Johann von Königsmarck fue un conde sueco de la escisión Branderburgo y un soldado.

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Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck

Nombre Otto
Apellido Königsmarck
Nacidas el January 5, 1639
Murió el September 5, 1688 (aged 49)

Count Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck was a Swedish military officer from Minden. He attained the rank of field marshal in 1676, commanded the Battle of Stralsund (1678), and became Governor General for Swedish Pomerania from 1679 to 1687. He was the son of Hans Christoff Königsmarck and the brother of Conrad Christoff Königsmarck. He was also the uncle of Aurora Königsmarck, Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck, Philip Christoph Königsmarck and Karl Johann von Königsmarck. Alongside Francesco Morosini, he led the Venetian conquest of the Morea in the early years of the Morean War, and died of the plague during the Siege of Negroponte (1688).

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Hans Christoff Königsmarck

Nombre Hans
Apellido Königsmarck
Murió el March 8, 1663
Nacidas en Germany, Brandenburg

Hans Christoff von Königsmarck, conde de Tjust fue un militar alemán afincado en Suecia.

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