Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kobiela

Dorota Kobiela

Nombre Dorota
Nacidas el November 30, 1977 (age 46)

Dorota Kobiela is a Polish filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer. She is best known for co-directing her first fully painted animated feature film Loving Vincent (2017) with Hugh Welchman.

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Bogumił Kobiela

Nombre Bogumił
Nacidas el May 31, 1931
Murió el July 10, 1969 (aged 38)

Bogumił Kobiela was a Polish stage and film actor. He was an actor of Wybrzeże Theatre, Ateneum Theatre in Warsaw, Komedia Theatre in Warsaw, Bim-Bom student theatre, Kabaret Wagabunda and Kabaret Dudek. He suffered serious injuries in a car crash on 2 July 1969 in Buszkowo. He died eight days later in hospital in Gdańsk.

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