Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Klieger

Noah Klieger

Nombre Noah
Apellido Klieger
Nacidas el July 31, 1926
Murió el December 13, 2018 (aged 92)
Nacidas en France, Grand Est

Noah Klieger was an Israeli journalist and sports administrator. Klieger, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz, Mittelbau-Dora and Ravensbruck, covered trials of Nazi criminals after the end of World War II, besides working as a sports journalist in Israel. He also was the president of the basketball club Maccabi Tel Aviv and chairman of the FIBA's media council. In 2010 he was awarded the FIBA Order of Merit, and in 2012 became a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur. In 2015, Klieger was inducted into the FIBA Hall of Fame for his contributions.

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