Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kemble

Charles Kemble

Nombre Charles
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el November 25, 1775
Murió el November 12, 1854 (aged 78)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Wales

Charles Kemble was a Welsh-born English actor of a prominent theatre family.

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Stephen Kemble

Nombre Stephen
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el April 21, 1758
Murió el June 5, 1822 (aged 64)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

George Stephen Kemble was a successful English theatre manager, actor, and writer, and a member of the famous Kemble family.

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Isabella Kemble

Nombre Isabella
Apellido Kemble
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Adelaide Kemble

Nombre Adelaide
Apellido Kemble
Murió el August 4, 1879
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Adelaide Kemble fue una cantante de ópera británica, famosa durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX.

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John Philip Kemble

Nombre John
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el February 1, 1757
Murió el February 23, 1823 (aged 66)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

John Philip Kemble was an English actor. He was born into a theatrical family as the eldest son of Roger Kemble, actor-manager of a touring troupe. His elder sister Sarah Siddons achieved fame with him on the stage of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. His other siblings, Charles Kemble, Stephen Kemble, Ann Hatton, and Elizabeth Whitlock, also enjoyed success on the stage.

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Roger Kemble

Nombre Roger
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el March 1, 1721
Murió el December 6, 1802 (aged 81)

Roger Kemble was an English theatre manager, strolling player and actor. In 1753, he married Irish actress Sarah "Sally" Ward (1735–1806) at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, and they had thirteen children, who formed the Kemble family of 19th-century actors and actresses.

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Fanny Kemble

Nombre Frances
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el November 27, 1809
Murió el January 15, 1893 (aged 83)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Frances Anne "Fanny" Kemble was a notable British actress from a theatre family in the early and mid-19th century. She was a well-known and popular writer, whose published works included plays, poetry, eleven volumes of memoirs, travel writing and works about the theatre.

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John Mitchell Kemble

Nombre John
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el January 1, 1807
Murió el March 26, 1857 (aged 50)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

John Mitchell Kemble, English scholar and historian, was the eldest son of Charles Kemble the actor and Maria Theresa Kemble. He is notable for his major contribution to the history of the Anglo-Saxons and philology of the Old English language.

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Dorothea Kemble

Nombre Dorothea
Murió el February 9, 1966
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Edwin C. Kemble

Nombre Edwin
Apellido Kemble
Nacidas el January 28, 1889
Murió el March 12, 1984 (aged 95)

Edwin Crawford Kemble was an American physicist who made contributions to the theory of quantum mechanics and molecular structure and spectroscopy. During World War II, he was a consultant to the Navy on acoustic detection of submarines and to the Army on Operation Alsos.

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