Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Julich

Margaret of Jülich

Nombre Margaret
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el November 30, 1349
Murió el October 10, 1425 (aged 75)

Margaret of Jülich was a daughter of Duke Gerhard VI of Jülich and his wife, Margaret of Ravensberg (1315-1389).

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William IV, Count of Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el January 1, 1210
Murió el March 16, 1278 (aged 68)

William IV, Count of Jülich was the son and heir of William III of Jülich and Mathilde of Limburg, daughter of Waleran III, Duke of Limburg.

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Gerhard V of Jülich

Nombre Gerhard
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el November 30, 1249
Murió el July 29, 1328 (aged 78)

Gerhard V of Jülich, Count of Jülich (1297–1328), was the youngest son of William IV, Count of Jülich and Richardis of Guelders, daughter of Gerard III, Count of Guelders.

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William V, Duke of Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el January 1, 1299
Murió el February 26, 1361 (aged 62)

William V, Duke of Jülich was a German nobleman. Some authors call him William I, because he was the first Duke of Jülich; the earlier Williams had been Count of Jülich. Other authors call the subject of this article "William VI"; they count the son and co-ruler of William IV as William V.

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Reinald IV, Duke of Guelders and Jülich

Nombre Reinald
Nacidas el November 30, 1364
Murió el June 25, 1423 (aged 58)

Reinald IV, Duke of Guelders and Jülich aka Reginald IV was the son of William II, Duke of Jülich and Maria of Guelders, daughter of Reinald II, Duke of Guelders.

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William II, Duke of Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el January 1, 1325
Murió el December 13, 1393 (aged 68)

William II, Duke of Jülich was the second Duke of Jülich and the sixth William in the House of Jülich. He was the second son of William I of Jülich and Joanna of Hainaut.

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Guillermo V de Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Murió el March 16, 1278
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Walram, Count of Jülich

Nombre Walram,
Nacidas el November 30, 1249
Murió el August 20, 1297 (aged 47)

Walram, Count of Jülich was the second son of William IV, Count of Jülich and Richardis of Guelders, daughter of Gerard III, Count of Guelders.

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William I of Guelders and Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el March 5, 1364
Murió el February 16, 1402 (aged 37)

William I of Guelders and Jülich KG was Duke of Guelders, as William I, from 1377 and Duke of Jülich, as William III, from 1393. William was known for his military activities, participating in the Prussian crusade five times and battling with neighbors in France and Brabant throughout his rule. His allies included Holy Roman Emperors, Charles IV and Wenceslaus, Richard II of England, and Conrad Zöllner von Rothenstein, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. During his reign the duchies of Guelders and Jülich were temporarily unified.

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William III, Count of Jülich

Nombre William
Apellido Jülich
Nacidas el November 30, 1149
Murió el January 1, 1218 (aged 68)

William was Count of Jülich from 1207 to 1219. He was a nephew of the previous Count, William II. He married Mathilde, daughter of Waleran III, Duke of Limburg. He died in 1219 during the Fifth Crusade in Egypt, and was succeeded by his son William IV.

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